Con más de 60 Años de historia la Federación Nacional de Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito del Perú acompaña a sus afiliadas en labores de representación, defensa, educación y asistencia técnica.
Fenacrep, in collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and its partner in Peru, Applying Consulting, successfully finished the route of digital innovation.
Under the motto "Be careful who you follow, protect your money", the Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and AFP (SBS), along with more than 60 public, private institutions and non -governmental organizations, will carry out a new ed ...
Fenacrep launches the National Children's Drawing and Painting Contest to encourage savings and creativity. Participate and demonstrates that your art builds a brilliant future!
In compliance with the TUO of the General Law of Cooperatives and under articles 21 and 24 of the Statute of the National Federation of Savings and Credit Cooperatives of Peru - FENACREP, the Board of Directors summons the 62nd Ordinary General Assembly of Associated Members, which will take place on Saturday, April 26, 2025, in person at the Costa del Sol del Sol Wyndham Lima City Hotel.
Predictaine approved unanimously/majority in bills 4242/2021-CR, 4516/2022-CR, 4671/2022 CR and 4886/2022-CR, substitute text “Law that modify the articles of the General Law of Cooperatives for its adequacy to new technologies and compliance with its purposes”.
La FENACREP comprometida con el sector cooperativo de ahorro y crédito
Promoviendo los principios y valores del cooperativismo las COOPAC fomentan la inclusión financiera de miles de peruanos en las 25 regiones del país, trabajando para el desarrollo sostenible de su comunidad y bienestar de sus socios.
*Datos del 2019